Latitude 28, more than just a beef brand.
Latitude 28 is a dynamic team whose focus is to de-commoditise the trade of Australian Produce, empower Asian consumers with the choice of product authentication and retain customer loyalty to its consumer facing brand.
Latitude 28’s ground-breaking new technologies and marketing initiatives humanise global consumer interactions, capitalise on growth markets and overcome the complexities of overseas demands. Latitude 28 has a consumer focused mindset and modern approach to the traditional export model, successfully integrating it into the digital worlds of e-commerce, social media, advanced data analytics, and blockchain technology.
L28 is a brand for the modern Asian consumer, strategically designed across all digital touch points to resonate with its key consumer demographic.
L28’s data analysis reveals patterns which are quickly turned into marketing initiatives and trigger powerful two way interactions between the consumer and the producer.
L28's Blockchain takes supply chain transparency to an all-new level, merging the digital and physical world and recording a products journey from paddock to plate.
A Direct to Consumer (D2C) model empowers consumers with the ability to buy directly from the company. This is simple in concept, but it is something the market is lacking. Chinese consumers consistently questioning the authenticity of produce redistributed by local wholesalers and retailers.
Latitude 28 is the amalgamation of two long standing Australian livestock families, the Williamsons and the Mortons. With the guidance of the senior hands the 4th generation of these families have come together to utilise
the experience of their families to provide the international markets with premium Australian Beef.
At Latitude 28 we see ourselves as one of the 'Custodians of Brand Australia', and are proud to bring quality Australian produce to the international markets. We feel it is our duty to uphold the strong legacy of the Australian agricultural industry and offer a brand and product consumers can trust, which is engageable, traceable and interactable.